What is the P&C?
The P&C (short for Parents & Citizens) is a group of adults who care about the education their children receive and the environment in which it happens. It includes parents, carers, teachers and other members of the school community.
What does the P&C do?
The primary focus of our P&C is to help inform members about school activities, policies and programs. The P&C is responsible for decisions around school uniform, the running of the canteen and fundraising events throughout the year. There are opportunities to give feedback and to learn about what is happening inside the classrooms.
Why get involved?
Being part of the P&C is a great way to be involved in your child's education, especially if you work full-time and can't volunteer during the school day.
Who can be part of the P&C?
Anyone in the school community. Parents, carers, grandparents and staff members. There are no stereotypes so it doesn't matter if you're a single parent, a same-sex parent, male, female, young or old. All it takes is one hour a month to attend a meeting - and any time you can spare to help out at fundraising events.
How can I join and what will I be expected to do?
Just come along to a meeting, on the first Monday of the month. The dates are advertised in the school newsletter. It only costs $1 and that gives you a say in discussions and a vote on decisions being made. There is no pressure to take on an official role on the committee, we would just love to have new people and new ideas on board. The roles of president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary are vacated at the AGM each year so that's the time to put your hand up for one of those positions.
2024 Committee
President: Julie Bunn
Treasurer: Heidi Curtis
Secretary: Teagan Sawyer
Fundraising Co-ordinator: John Curtis
VIDEO: Click here to meet our P&C
You may be interested in joining one of the following:
Fundraising team
Develop lots of ideas for ways to raise funds to purchase equipment and resources for the school.
Canteen sub-committee
Support our school canteen. The canteen provides a wonderful service to the school community and all profits after costs are channeled back to the P&C.
To contact the P&C, have a chat with one of our P&C Members or leave your name and contact details with the school office and a member of the P&C Executive will get back to you.