Albury North Public School

Be all that you can

Telephone02 6025 1730

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

General Information - updated 2.20 pm 18/8/21 


General Information


Where can I get more information about COVID-19?


When can I get more information about learning at home ?

I am having trouble accessing Teams, what do I do? 

Check the video on how to access Teams on our Facebook page or ANPS Teachers group. 

Check the ‘Cheat Sheet’ on our Facebook page or ANPS Teachers group.


Is the school still open ?

Parents and carers in areas under stay at home restrictions must keep children – of all ages, across primary school and secondary school – at home unless you are an essential worker.  During this time there will be minimal supervision on site at our school for those students who cannot be educated at home, for example if their parent or carer is an essential worker. 


At Albury North Public School we will have approximately 2 teachers onsite to provide this supervision



How should I talk to my child about COVID-19?

You can help your child by remaining calm and reassuring them. Listen to your child and answer their questions as honestly as possible and correct any misunderstandings. This will help them feel informed and understand what is happening.

Stay up to date with the facts from reliable sources so you can keep conversations calm, considered, and constructive. Provide information in words that are appropriate to the age of your child.


Children can be distressed by hearing repeated stories so monitor how much your child is being exposed to television and social media and encourage them to talk to you about what they are seeing and hearing.


Is my teacher still at school ?

The NSW DoE has advised schools to implement a rotating roster of staff and keep numbers at school as close to 5 as possible (this includes office staff) to help with social distancing. Your child’s class teacher will either be working at school according to our roster or otherwise working from home throughout the week.


Communication Information


How can I contact the school?

Online via our ANPS Teachers Facebook page (closed group), email or via the Microsoft Teams app or by phone. We still have the same operating hours from 8.40am to 3.30pm everyday.

For Facebook, search (Albury North Public School and ANPS Teachers).

Within Microsoft teams, post in general in the class section. 


Please contact us with any questions that you have.


How can I contact my child’s teacher?

You can use Microsoft Teams app, the ANPS Teachers Facebook site, school email or phone the school. When they can, a teacher or your child’s teacher will contact you back.


How will our teachers contact you or your child ?

Teachers will be doing a face-to-face check in on Microsoft Teams at 9:30am each morning for about 30 minutes, and again at 1:30pm. Children can post questions to their class teacher by starting a new conversation in the general area of the Teams classroom.


Can I still get a paper version of everything we are sending home?


Student Learning Information 

How do I access the remote learning? 

Using the school iPad, or your own device/computer, log in to the Microsoft Teams app using the student’s usual username and password. Years 3,4,5,and 6 password may not be the one on the label. Students were asked to choose their own in term 1. If they think they have forgotten, just remind them it is their Minecraft password.The link to the remote learning will be posted in the General section each morning. 

Do I have to stick to what's in the learning package?


You are in the best place to know how your child is handling the homeschooling situation. The Department has created the new learning packages for your use however we also know the challenge of managing kids :) We have dedicated staff overseeing the engagement and response to the learning packages via MS Teams and we will review this at the end of the week to make any tweaks we think need making.

Our main focus is on the wellbeing of you and your family during this phase of homeschooling. 


What do I do if I don’t understand some of the work that is asked to be completed?

Don’t panic. Perhaps next time a staff member phones you can ask for some help or contact us at school anytime. The DoE does not expect you to be the teacher.


Where is my child’s login and password for Reading Eggs/Express and Mathletics?

These are on a sticker on the back of your child’s ipad. 


Do I need to know my child’s email address to log into Reading Eggs/Express and Mathletics?

You only need the Login name (eg ABC34567) and the password.


Where do I find app links?

Go to the Apple Store or Google Play to download apps for phones/tablets. Look for the same icons as on the school ipad. 

Phones usually come with the Apple Store and Google Play installed.


Can I access other educational websites to use at home with my child?



If my child has not done home learning all term, can I pick up hard copies to be done at home now?

No it is not necessary at this stage. Stick to the remote learning packages or encourage them to read more often.


What if I want to come to school and pick something up ?

Email or call the school before hand and we will track it down for you to come in and collect.


Do parents have to mark the work? 



When do we need to return the ipads ?? 

When your child returns to school as we use them in our class learning. We will let you know via email, MS teams and Facebook if we need them back for updating or maintenance. 


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