All canteens in NSW public schools must provide healthy food and drink options. This makes it easy for students to make healthy food choices. Visit Healthy school canteens to learn more
School Canteen
The school canteen operates Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Children are able to buy a variety of healthy foods at recess and lunchtime.
Current Canteen menu (Print a copy)
Ordering at School:
School24 is the on-line ordering system used by the canteen. If you haven't used School24 before, it's easy to register a new account using our school code: 25436963
Follow these instructions
The cut-off time for placing an online lunch order is 9.00am that day.
To place orders in person with cash/vouchers/EFTPOS, visit the canteen and fill out an order. Orders should be written on a paper bag clearly showing the child's name, class, order and with correct money enclosed. Orders must be made by 9.30am.
Canteen helpers are always needed, so if you can spare any time, please let us know.
Uniform can be purchased online via School24 or from the Canteen on Wednesday mornings (8.40am - 9.10am).